Some useful info

Restore deleted or changed files from TimeBack Machine

If you want to restore from TimeBack machine some hidden folders or files:

$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

after that

$ killall Finder

and to return this all things

$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE  


$ killall Finder

Need to Run locate on Mac

Comand to updatedb is different from the Linux

$ sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb

and you can run your locate quires

Example to run the quires:

$ locate *.jpg

or ignore the case

$ locate -i *.png

Some commands to find and execute

Go find them…

Find something that is file type and name bad-file.txt and remove it without asking…

$ find . -type f -name "bad-file.txt" -exec rm -f \{};

need to find multiple file in row same context as before find and remove without asking.

find . -type f -name "bad-file.txt" -o -name "bad-file2.txt" -exec rm -f \{};